Embrace the art of reflecting what lies within.
Dive deep to create your own reality, a world shaped by your unique vision.
Let each line guide you, forming patterns that flow from the subconscious, expressing the unseen.
Follow the contours, let design emerge naturally, a map from spirit to canvas.
With each stroke, feel the rhythm, moving in sync with your inner pulse.
Breathe, meditate, and allow the creation to unfold, trusting the flow.
Femininity series
linocut print
Celebration of women's essence. Fragile and sensual. Strength and resilient. Empowered and independent.
Transformation series
linocut print
This series reflects my personal journey through the process of change. It captures the challenges, growth, and self-discovery I experienced as I moved through dark parts of my personality and confronted my fears.
I intentionally focused on carving linocuts with the idea of bringing them together as a one complete, unified artwork. Each linocut was carefully crafted as an individual piece, but also designed to contribute to a larger visual narrative. The process was both detailed and thoughtful, carving each block separately but always keeping in mind how they would come together as part of a whole. This allowed me to explore the uniqueness of each piece and their collective power at the same time.

Dancer, Move series.
Free, unbound, without any limitations.

Yin and Yang Dance.
Life is a constant cycle and beautiful dance between masculine and feminine energies. Harmonic coexistence and symbiotic relationship between black and white, Yin and Yang.
Dance that is bringing the balance back and creating the world of harmony.

Move series
pen and ink drawing on paper
Natural Geometry series
pen and ink drawing on paper
Inspired by nature where nothing is squared and straight. Abundant palette of forms and patterns mixing with irregular shapes and curved lines – all wild and unique, perfect in its imperfection - this is what comes from Mother Earth naturally.
Living in the world of abundance, that offers everything what we need – but not always we can notice what is around and what is inside.

Magic reality series
pen and ink drawing on paper

Overloaded with everything that is happening now right behind the corner.
Overloaded with difficult emotions, sadness and fear.
Overloaded with information that is coming from everywhere that I can’t read anymore, but cannot not read as well.
PACHAMAMA ~ Mother Earth
Wakan Tanka
Gran Espirito
Wakan tanka
En el cielo
Con los pájaros que vuelan
Las oraciones
Y amor, misterio de la luna
Amor, mi vida preciosa
Amor, dame dame fuerza
Amor, confía medicina
~ Nessi Gomez „All Related”
Flow with the Art
I am floating easily on the wave, I am swimming freely and the wind is blowing my hair.
Because that’s what the life is meant to be.
Yoga. Finding peace in these crazy tiemes.

My great inspiration for art. I always find something interesting, something that catches my eye, some pattern, shape or texture.
Everything created by wildlife.

The story of the girl.